What you need to Know about Technical SEO for your Website

what is Technical SEO

What do you need to Know about Technical SEO for your Website?

The goal of technical SEO is to improve a website's visibility in Google Search and increase web traffic levels. This is accomplished by optimizing the website for Google's search algorithm.

The main aim of technical SEO is to improve a website’s visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is accomplished by optimizing the website’s structure and code and improving the user experience. Technical SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but the rewards can be great. 

There are many factors that contribute to where a website ranks on search engine results pages. Google’s algorithms are constantly changing and becoming more sophisticated, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO best practices. In general, though, there are three main pillars of technical SEO: 

1. Indexation:

Indexation is the process of adding your website to a search engine's database. This is important because it allows your site to be found when people search for keywords related to your business. 

There are 2 ways to get your website indexed: 

a. Submit your website to the search engine manually. This can be done by going to the search engine's website and finding the "add url" or "submit site" page.

b. Wait for the search engine to find your website. This can happen if you have other websites linking to your site, or if you have a sitemap.xml file that includes your website's URL.

2. Crawling:

Crawling is a collection of programming instructions used to move through a directory tree or document tree, retrieving files and directories as you go. Crawling is a common task for web servers, file servers, and other network-accessible applications.

Crawling is also used to examine a web page for potential links and other information. When you browse the web, your browser periodically sends a request to the webserver to send it to the current page. The web server can then use the request to figure out what pages are currently cached, so it doesn't have to send the request again.

Crawling can also be used to figure out how a website is structured. At the time of visiting the website, your web browser sends a request to the web server. The web server can use the request to figure out how the website is structured, including the location of all the files on the server.

3. Site speed:

Site speed is an important factor for a website. It’s the measure of how quickly a website responds to requests from browsers. A fast site makes it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for and makes the website feel more responsive.

There are some factors that can affect site speed. Some of the most common are:

-The size and complexity of the website

-The number and size of files on the website

-The number and type of requests made to the website

-The speed of the website’s internet connection

To ensure a fast site, it’s important to measure your site’s speed and make sure that you’re taking action to improve it. 

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